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Ryukyu Awamori Higa Shuzo "Zanpa" A new brand announcement and a premium mariage dinner to deepen engagement with customers will be held at a resort hotel in Okinawa.
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< event produce >
Blanding Producer:Kenji Yamamoto
Art Direction:Kanbee intel
Script wrìter/Director/Editor
Kenji Yamamoto
Space Design Art Direction
Mayu Shinzato
Zempou Oshiro
Camera Department
Electrical department /Acoustic
Tadashi Hashikawa
Production design / Event production
See Soo DC Mariage
directed by
琉球泡盛の人気ブランド「残波」を製造販売する有限会社比嘉酒造様のイベントプロデュース。今後の国内旅行で注目される沖縄の県産品泡盛の新たな楽しみ方を提案する新ブランドの発表とそれに伴うマリアージュディナー会『PREMIUM MARIAGE DINNER with ZANPA ~SMILE BE WAVES 2021~』を2021年11月20(土)に沖縄読谷村にあるリゾートホテル ホテル日航アリビラで開催しました。
今回は、琉球泡盛 残波 の新ブランド展開の記者発表会とそれに伴う、新たなコンセプトモデル商品や既存の人気商品とホテル日航アリビラのシェフが腕を振るったマリアージュ料理を楽しむ、ディナー会『PREMIUM MARIAGE DINNER with ZANPA ~SMILE BE WAVES 2021~』を同時開催。
本年度より泡盛を取り巻く笑顔溢れるシーンが、波のように広がっていくように。。という思いを込め、「SMILE BE WAVES(造語)」というキャッチコピーで、新たなブランド展開を実施。ザンシロ、ザンクロの愛称で親しまれてきた琉球泡盛残波。時代とともにお酒のあり方も変化してきたように、残波のブランドロゴも一新。高級及び中級酒ラインの泡盛を【ZANPA DROPS(通称)】(写真左)、日常酒ラインを【SANPACHI WAVE(通称)】(写真右)のように、世界中の見込みユーザーにもすぐに覚えてもらえるようなシンプルでインパクト重視のデザインにリニューアル。今回は、その第一弾として新ブランド展開に伴うコンセプトモデルを発表。
新コンセプトモデル商品は、残波の技術を駆使した最高級酒<ZANPA TORAKICHI>をはじめ、19年間、熟成され甘くまろやかな古酒を食中酒に特化するように設計を行った<ZANPA TAKASHIHO>、シークワーサー香る残波がコンセプトの、世界にひとつだけのスピリッツ<残波シークワーサースピリッツ>を発表しました。
また、それらの新コンセプトモデル商品とそれに合わせたマリアージュ料理を楽しむディナー会『PREMIUM MARIAGE DINNER with ZANPA ~SMILE BE WAVES 2021~』では、ホテル日航アリビラの料理長が料理を担当し、これまでにない泡盛の楽しみ方を提案。感染予防対策として屋外のプールサイドを会場とした演出では、光のイルミネーションや生演奏のマリアージュも実施。
比嘉酒造 様 残波 ブランディング 企画
Ryukyu Awamori "Zanpa", which proposes a new way to enjoy Okinawa's prefectural awamori, which will be attracting attention in future domestic trips, will announce a new brand and hold a mariage dinner party accompanying it.
Event produced by Higa Shuzo Co., Ltd., which manufactures and sells the popular Ryukyu Awamori brand "Zanpa". Announcement of a new brand that proposes a new way to enjoy Okinawa's prefectural product Awamori, which will be attracting attention in future domestic travel, and the accompanying mariage dinner party "PREMIUM MARIAGE DINNER with ZANPA ~ SMILE BE WAVES 2021 ~" November 20, 2021 Held at Hotel Nikko Alivila, a resort hotel in Yomitan Village, Okinawa on Saturday. This time, a dinner party "PREMIUM MARIAGE" where you can enjoy the press conference of the new brand development of Ryukyu Awamori Zanpa and the accompanying new concept model products and existing popular products and the mariage cuisine prepared by the chef of Hotel Nikko Alivila. DINNER with ZANPA ~ SMILE BE WAVES 2021 ~ "will be held at the same time.
From this year, the scene full of smiles surrounding Awamori will spread like a wave. .. With that in mind, we are developing a new brand with the catch phrase "SMILE BE WAVES (coined word)". Ryukyu Awamori Zanpa, nicknamed Zanshiro and Zankuro. The brand logo of Zanpa has been renewed, just as the way sake has changed with the times. Awamori of high-class and intermediate liquor lines [ZANPA DROPS (common name)] (left photo), daily liquor line [SANPACHI WAVE (common name)] (right photo), can be immediately remembered by prospective users all over the world. Renewed to a simple and impact-oriented design that you can get. This time, as the first step, we announced a concept model accompanying the development of a new brand. The new concept model products include <ZANPA TORAKICHI>, which makes full use of Zanpa's technology, and <ZANPA TAKASHIHO, which has been designed to specialize in sweet and mellow old sake that has been aged for 19 years. >, We announced the only spirits in the world <Zanpa Shikuwasa Spirits> with the concept of aftermath with the scent of Shikuwasa.
In addition, at the dinner party "PREMIUM MARIAGE DINNER with ZANPA ~ SMILE BE WAVES 2021 ~" where you can enjoy these new concept model products and mariage dishes that match them, the chef of Hotel Nikko Alivila will be in charge of cooking, and Awamori has never been seen before. Suggest how to enjoy. As an infection prevention measure, the outdoor poolside venue will be illuminated with light and live music will be mariaged. In Europe and the United States, e-commerce is shifting to the center of consumption, and the engagement between customers and companies and products is diminishing. As a countermeasure, e-commerce cannot imitate "value that cannot be experienced unless you go there." Real experience events and engagement marketing pursuing "" are evolving year by year. This event is also a big experience event every time, and we are helping as a plan to publicize a new way of enjoying Awamori to the world.

A premium event held by the pool overlooking the sunset in Okinawa.

残波を取り巻く笑顔あふれるシーンという思いをこめたキャッチコピー『Smile Be Waves』
"Smile Be Waves" is a catch phrase with the thought of a scene full of smiles surrounding the aftermath.

A fantastic space surrounds the venue at dusk

A dinner party where you can enjoy mariage dishes combined with Zanpa.

Illuminations of light all over the poolside and an installation design arranged on a table to surround it

The piano and flute ensemble is directed with food in an attempt called sound mariage.

The finale of the event was a fantastic space of light and music. Produced a special night with a pleasant beach breeze.

A special night where about 40 guests enjoyed awamori, food, and music in the extraordinary poolside space of the Okinawa Resort Hotel.