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日本初!養蜂体験カフェ ハチミツ専門店


Blanding producer:Kenji Yamamoto

Art director:Kenji Yamamoto

Interior designer:Daisuke Watanabe




それらのテーマを最大限に表現させた日本初の養蜂体験カフェをテーマとしたハチミツ専門店『松治郎の舗 伊勢街道店 〜Beekeeping Cafe〜』が、伊勢神宮にほど近い伊勢街道沿いにオープンしました。


Japan's first! Beekeeping experience cafe honey specialty store


Now that various shopping has become EC, the way of buying products has changed dramatically.

At our company, as an approach to selling new real stores, we create brands and products based on the themes of experience-based stores that can only be enjoyed by going there, and the spread of SNS and fan creation.

The honey specialty store “Matsujiro no Ise Kaido-Beekeeping Cafe-” that opened the first beekeeping experience café in Japan with the best expression of these themes has opened along the Ise Kaido near Ise Shrine.

It is Japan's first experience-type honey specialty store where you can enjoy honey desserts by wearing a bee-proof insect garment, experience beekeeping around a bee box as explained by experts, and collecting fresh honey with a centrifuge. . Thanks to you, we have received many media inquiries since opening


NHK 『おはよう日本 まちかど情報室』4.25放映


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